Raise your standard of living,
not your impact.


Support our Lahaina, Maui Tiny Home Build

We are currently building and donating a tiny home built from reclaimed invasive tree species to a family in Maui that was displaced by the Lahaina fire. Donate today to help us finish the project!

Educating future generations.

We are a sustainable education center that is passionate about recreating a culture of empowered sovereign individuals. We are cultivating a Living University- inspiring and educating future generations implementing traditional and innovative methods of sustainability.

We explore all of the opportunities to work with divine nature in life sustaining ways from sustainable building, biodynamic gardening, organic local food preparation, and service based entrepreneurship. Together, the children and adults, learning and guiding one another, cultivate joy in a purposeful and intentional life.

Designing in harmony
with nature.


e incorporate biomimicry, sacred geometry and post and beam construction into our designs.
We wish to create soul-satisfying spaces that are based on the pure principles of natural design to provide an eco-sensitive environment that can nurture our bodies, minds, and spirits. This is based on the understanding that everything is connected, alive and conscious. In essence, we are using biomimicry from nature’s shapes and proportions to design spaces that raise the vibration of the inhabitants. We draw upon the concepts of sacred geometry to honor the universal language of truth, harmony, beauty, rhythm, proportion, and order. Here we emphasize the aim to move into a more circular economy that is regenerative by nature. 

Restoring the environment and utilizing sustainably harvested local materials to reduce
the impact of building a home.

Milling truly is a holistic approach. With a highly efficient mill, we are able to utilize the abundance of trees right here on Kauai, transforming them into renewable building materials, while restoring the natural habitat and sequestering carbon back into the soil. This is a golden opportunity to inspire and educate others on yet another level of sustainable living. We are using resources from the earth that give back to the earth, getting closer to “earth harmony living”. We reduce our carbon footprint by saving emissions from importation. Resourcing what is abundant and integral.

From garden to table.

Our focus begins with soil, remineralizing and soil building for optimal fertility and vibrance. True wealth begins first with soil health. Food is our vital life force, it is living medicine. We are here to explore and share the many opportunities for health and vibrance that comes right from our gardens. Not only is it medicine and vitality, it is a means of reconnecting with one another and sharing culture and tradition. We care for the land, and in turn the land cares for us in a symbiotic relationship.

Coming together for a better tomorrow.

As we circle together to co-create and call in the UNITY in CommUnity, we in-power, inspire, and awaken one another bringing us into our full potentiality.

Support the vision, empower change.

Over the past 7 years we’ve dedicated our lives to regenerating the land and supporting our local community. Now we’re seeking help to secure our campus once and for all so the we can continue to make a positive impact for years to come.

Join our mission to create a brighter future

One person can make a change within oneself, and together we have the capacity to transform the planet to truly thrive once again. The time is NOW! Let us be driven from the heart where there are no limits and no boundaries to what we can create.